Friday, 13 July 2012

Know Canada for the 21st century

One day, in the hopefully not too distant future, I will have a stupendous number of readers, fans and followers; it is likely that some of them will be Canadian - this post is for them, and the Americans as well actually.

Studio360 is doing a series on 'redesigns', aiming to 'take ubiquitous designs and give them a 21st-century makeover' in their own words - worthy of a post all of it's own. However for the purposes of this post Studio360 contacted Bruce Mau Design to help in the re-imaging of Canada for the 21st century.

The results, I think, is quite amazing. I love the simplicity of the designs and the strong imagery used to depict the many great things that are part of / from Canada; ranging from people to products, inventions and landscapes. 

The red rectangles from the Canadian flag is used to 'frame' these people, products, etc. According to BMD; "Our view is that Canada doesn’t need a redesign; rather, Americans need to be educated." In that case I think the result is successful.

Original article found on design boom.

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