Monday, 14 May 2012

Google currents - loving it already

At the risk of alienating my non-existing fan base (for now at least), I'll admit that I am quite a big Google fan, and by extension, yes, an Android fan. ** I'll give you a minute to either bookmark, or erase the blog. I should add I do have a Mac Mini that I cherish.

I am not the last to cross the finish line when it comes to new news, but it is rather difficult for most things to be 'breaking news' these days with all the social mediums ensuring news spreads faster than the rising petrol price (I know it might be decreasing - it's for dramatic effect).

That was a pre-amble that you might already know of the new Google project: currents. I haven't heard of it until today, and from today onward my life will not be the same. Not quite, but still, it is very nifty - in their own words; 'Favourite publications tuned for your tablet and smartphone'

You can choose from a number of publications / websites and add them to your library - when selecting your library it fetches the latest stories and presents it in an easy to navigate & read format.

Needless to say there are apps for it. Read more here.

Rather sweet, and I have to say I like it ;-)

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